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Adam Hann-Byrd has been in the entertainment industry for most of his life.  He got his start acting in movies at the age of seven when he was cast as the title character in Jodie Foster’s directorial debut, LITTLE MAN TATE.  He went on to star in JUMANJI, THE ICE STORM, and HALLOWEEN H20, among other films.

Adam studied film and psychology at Wesleyan University where he discovered a passion for screenwriting.  After graduating college he worked for JJ Abrams’ production company Bad Robot, and also spent some time in the writers' room for the Fox show FRINGE, as well as TNT's THE LIBRARIANS before landing a fellowship in the Warner Bros. TV Writers Workshop.

In 2015, Adam began writing for VIDEO GAMES - working on acclaimed indie projects such as GUILDLINGS and SIGNS OF THE SOJOURNER. He spent two years as a Senior Writer for HARRY POTTER: HOGWARTS MYSTERY and most recently as a Lead Narrative Writer at FUSEBOX GAMES in London.

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