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Clean Jimmy Sheen - Available Now!

Very proud to announce that my children's book, CLEAN JIMMY SHEEN, is now available on Amazon!

CLEAN JIMMY SHEEN is the story of a playful young boy who loves to have fun, but hates cleaning up when play time is over. After getting into an argument with his parents, Jimmy runs away to a place where no one will mind his mess, and he embarks on the dirtiest, slimiest, gooiest adventure of his life!


This project has been a labor of love for me for over ten years. I wrote it back in 2004 when I was in college, and have been obsessively working on, tweaking, and re-tweaking the illustrations ever since.

Why did it take so long, you ask?

Well, as you can see, the illustrations aren't exactly illustrations...

Instead of traditional drawing or painting techniques, I've used a combination of sculpture and photography to create something of an old-school claymation aesthetic. I'm a huge fan of stop-motion animation (Nightmare Before Christmas and Wallace and Gromit are well-worn staples of my dvd collection), and I thought that the warmth and charming imperfection that's characteristic of the genre would lend itself nicely to a children's book.

Physically building all the characters from scratch out of grey Roma Plastilina clay and armature wire probably wasn't the easiest or most efficient way to create these illustrations, but I gotta say, I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out.

Hope you enjoy Clean Jimmy Sheen, and please leave a rating/review to help spread the word!

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